Category Archives: Gun violence

Tradition, Guns, Mass Shootings, Our Inconsistency of Our Notion of nonviolence

I share the audio of a livestream. I tie in veganism with the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas, and the wars waged against brown people overseas for resources & hegemony. I cover many issues including the Port Arthur massacre that happened in Australia and the subsequent action by the Australia government. Many issues. I hope you find it interesting. Please subscribe to my channel and my blog and share 🙂

Watch the livestream here


Here’s some resources:

“Humane”: What’s in a Word
“Organic” milk

Watch Cowspiracy The Sustainability Secret: The Full Documentary Free Online

The Myth of Eco-Friendly Animal Products

Vegan: Easier than you think

Legal Slavery in the 21st Century

Apocalyptic Capitalism, Animal Agriculture and Anthropogenic Climate Disruption (ACD)

Vegan: A Better World for All of Us

Animal Cruelty Who is to Blame?
