Category Archives: animal rights

2017: May It Be Everything You Wish It To Be

I share some thoughts on what we can do as a species to make the lives of our own species and that of others better.  I speak generally about the problems that arise from trying to block issues from our minds, and how we can open ourselves up to ideas and how we can envision and create a better world by questioning what we have been told, how we are living, and the systems we are living within, and by caring about all sentient beings.

For more information:

The Empire Files with Abby Martin

Chris Hedges, Columnist – Truthdig

TeleSur English

Mint Press News: Independent, non-partisan journalism

Sane Progressive

Black Agenda Report

George Galloway | Facebook

John Pilger

George Ades

Eva Bartlett

The Real News Network: Independent News, Blogs and Editorials

Party for Socialism and Liberation: PSL

Democracy Now!

Cabin Talk






The Titanic Resurfaces and Collects the Deckchairs (Ep 41 Pt1)

TitanicPlease note the views expressed in this episode 41, Parts 1 and 2 are entirely my own.

Sept 6, 2016 UPDATE: The archived version of Angel Flinn’s interview is now available here.

I don’t know if you had the opportunity to listen to Bob Linden’s Go Vegan Radio segment live on air on August 21, where he interviews Angel Flinn (media coordinator of the BeFairBeVegan campaign. Angel Flinn by the way also happens to do outreach work for Gentle World. If you didn’t catch the interview live, then you’re in luck because although Bob Linden states on his page that it will be not be available in archive form on his Go Vegan Radio page, we managed to record it as it went to air. My last episode contained excerpts from Angel’s interview and I invite you to listen to it.

In this episode I’m going to share the unfortunate and rather seething attack that occurred live on the same Go Vegan Radio program by the guest appearing after Angel Flinn’s interview – Gary L Francione. We thought it might be informative to share the  rather vicious attack on Angel Flinn made by Professor Gary L. Francione and I clear up some misinformation in his live segment (7 minutes or so). Tune into Part 2  “And Then Sailed On To New York” where I discuss where many of the core ideas of veganism really came from.




An Abolitionist Vegan Resource

Update June 6 2016: Please note I do not endorse this site “How Do I Go Vegan” or the page associated with this resource.  My reasons are explained in Vegan Trove Episode 24 and Episode 25.  I now have my own vegan resource How To Go Vegan Podcast

In Vegan Trove podcast episode 18, I briefly explore a newly created abolitionist vegan resource : How Do I Go Vegan

Please subscribe to future podcasts here.
You can also join my Facebook page here.

Please read my disclaimer about external sites


Taking The Interests Of Animals Seriously

AAPA reading of an excerpt of “Animals As Persons : Essays on the Abolition of Animal Exploitation

Disclaimer: Please note I do not endorse opinions, links, ads or individuals.

Thanks for listening.  Look forward to your company next time.


Promoting Violence In Soft Tones With A Smile On His Face (Part 2)

Doesn't belong in a nonviolent movement10

In part 2, I discuss the promotion of violence within certain animal advocacy circles and how the small few who promote violence often contradict themselves and are deeply misanthropic.

Please check out Ep 14 Part 1, where I share an essay titled “On Militant Direct Action.

Disclaimer: Please note I do not endorse individuals, opinions, links mentioned in the podcast or on external sites.

Links to information contained:

On Militant Direct Action

A Comment on Violence

More on Violence and Animal Rights

A Commentary on Violence 

(NOTE:  Friends I have been trying to rectify what appears to be a glitch with the comments section. Until now I thought the comments section was available to the public as the settings on my site indicated they were, but I found on today that it’s not. I will try and fix this soon if possible. )

Please join me again next time 🙂


Some Thoughts on the So-Called “Animal Rights” Movement

which way

Welcome to my Vegan Trove podcast Ep 10. In this episode,  I share some thoughts on the current so-called current “animal rights” movement and I share some thoughts by others about the movement. I talk specifically about certain organisations.

Please note when I mentioned human exploitation, I really meant to say human oppression. I probably could have been clearer when explaining the connection between nonhuman animal rights and human rights.

I touch on how nonhuman animals rights and human rights are linked. I emphasise the need for a strong and morally consistent movement that must have veganism as its moral baseline. I think you will find some excerpts of other abolitionists speaking interesting.

Please view the below letter to Whole Foods by the so-called “animal rights” movement congratulating Whole Foods on their “humane” animal products.

1. Wholefoods support lettterHere’s the link to recommended animal ethics books 

Here’s a link to Go Vegan Radio

Please read my disclaimer about links, pages, individuals etc mentioned in my podcast.

Unfortunately a few audio excerpts included in the podcast are lacking in clarity. My apologies.

Please join my Facebook page  for future podcast updates or subscribe to this page.

Thanks for listening. I look forward to your company again.

Till next time 🙂


VT Podcast Ep 8: Veganism and All Forms of Life

Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges

A reading of Pulitzer Prize recipient Chris Hedges’ essay ( posted Jan 4, 2015 )   “All Forms of Life Are Sacred“. His essay discusses veganism and the moral imperative.  Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer prize recipient and his bio can be found here.  He is also a regular contributor to and his essays are posted each Monday.

Normally I discuss various issues in my episodes, but I decided there would be some value in reading this essay.  Next time I will return to discussing issues as usual.  I hope you enjoyed today’s episode 🙂

I apologise for any poor pronunciation of any author’s name.

Disclaimer: Please note I do not endorse opinions of authors nor do I endorse individuals mentioned and I do not endorse any links, opinions or ads on external sites.

Please feel free to leave feedback / comments whether positive or negative as long as it is constructive and civil.

I look forward to your company again


Vegan Trove Podcast Episode 2: Speciesism and Other Forms of Discrimination

Welcome again friends. 🙂 In Episode 2, I briefly touch on some of the topics covered in my 1st podcast. I explore some quotes, articles and interviews and include some of the audio.

Excerpt of transcript of Russell Brand / Paxman interview on BBC’s Newsnight:

Jeremy Paxman: Well, how do you have any authority to talk about politics then?

Russell Brand: Well, I don’t get my authority from this pre-existing paradigm which is quite narrow and only serves a few people. I look elsewhere for alternatives that might be of service to humanity. Alternative means alternative political systems.

Jeremy Paxman: They being?

Russell Brand: Well, I’ve not invented it yet, Jeremy. I had to do a magazine last week. I’ve had a lot on my plate. But I say—but here’s the thing that you shouldn’t do: shouldn’t destroy the planet, shouldn’t create massive economic disparity, shouldn’t ignore the needs of the people. The burden of proof is on the people with the power, not people who like doing a magazine for a novelty.

Jeremy Paxman: How do you imagine that people get power?

Russell Brand: Well, I imagine there are sort of hierarchical systems that have been preserved through generations—

Jeremy Paxman: They get power by being voted in. That’s how they get it.

Russell Brand: Well, you say that, Jeremy, but like—

Jeremy Paxman: You can’t even be asked to vote.

RUSSELL BRAND: It’s quite narrow—quite a narrow prescriptive parameter that changes within the—

JEREMY PAXMAN: In a democracy, that’s how it works.

RUSSELL BRAND: Well, I don’t think it’s working very well, Jeremy, given that the planet is being destroyed, given that there is economic disparity of a huge degree. What you’re saying, there’s no alternative. There’s no alternative, just this system.

Jeremy Paxman: No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying—

Russell Brand: Brilliant.

Jeremy Paxman: —if you can’t be asked to vote, why should we be asked to listen to your political point of view?

Russell Brand: You don’t have to listen to my political point of view. But it’s not that I’m not voting out of apathy. I’m not voting out of absolute indifference and weariness and exhaustion from the lies, treachery, deceit of the political class that has been going on for generations now and which has now reached fever pitch, where we have a disenfranchised, disillusioned, despondent underclass that are not being represented by that political system. So, voting for it is tacit complicity with that system, and that’s not something I’m offering up.

Jeremy Paxman: Why don’t you change it then?

Russell Brand: I’m trying to.

I touch on the problems of large animal charities ignoring the solution to animal “cruelty” and more importantly the solution to abolishing animal use (Veganism),  and I expand on a topic I broached last week about the ecological disaster that is animal agriculture and its contribution to species extinction and climate change and how green groups ignore its contribution and why, and I touch on a number of diverse miscellaneous issues.

This 2nd podcast is again a tad long (approx 45 minutes) but I think you might find it interesting.  Episode 3 will (hopefully) be in the next 2 or 3 weeks if time permits (I’m very busy till the new year).

As well as subscribing to this site for updates, please join “Vegan Trove” on Facebook for future podcast updates :)

Disclaimer: Although I mention various individuals or sites in my podcasts, please note I do not necessarily endorse these individuals, or opinions, links or ads.  Please view my disclaimer

Please note episodes are now available on iTunes.
Thanks for listening. I look forward to having the pleasure of your company next time.  :)

For more information:

Russell Brand’s “The Trews

On the Environmental Disaster of Animal Agriculture | UVE Archives

Recommended books 

My LiveVegan Page: Another Facebook Casualty?


Vegan Trove Podcast Episode 1: Introduction

Welcome to  my first podcast. In episode 1. You can find my Vegan Trove Podcast on iTunes.

I meander through a number of topics related to abolitionist veganism.  I talk a little about my Facebook page stalling in relation to Facebook algorithms, and in response to that I started a Vegan Trove site to host my podcasts and my other vegan education resources.

cover VT9

I’m an abolitionist vegan. You may ask what is the difference between a vegan and an abolitionist vegan? I talk a little about that. Here’s a brief description: Abolitionist veganism is an ethical position that rejects the property status of animals. It rejects the notion that it is morally justifiable to use animals as long as they are used “humanely”.  Vegans reject using animals for food, clothing, entertainment or other reasons to the best of our ability.

I talk also briefly about why abolitionist veganism rejects single issue campaigns, and I touch on the problems of large animal charities promoting the misleading idea that being vegan is “extreme”, “purist” or “hard”.

I talk a little about the myth of the “ex-vegan”.  I argue that they were never vegan to begin with.

I speak briefly about the ecological disaster that is animal agriculture and according to a growing amount of evidence, it greatly contributes to climate change. I mention how our animal product consumption is greatly contributing to the sixth mass extinction which is taking place now and how animal agriculture is responsible for millions upon millions of deaths of “wildlife” each year.  And I touch on a few miscellaneous issues.

This first podcast is little rough and a tad long but I think you might find it interesting.  My next episode will be in the next 2 or 3 weeks if time permits (I’m very busy till the new year), and will probably be more structured.

If you’re wondering what the chiming is in the background, I live in Tasmania on a beautiful bay.  They are large wind chimes and it’s a windy day 🙂

As well as subscribing to this site for updates, please join “Vegan Trove” on Facebook for future podcast updates 🙂 I apologise for any inconvenience as this page is under construction.

Disclaimer: Although I mention various individuals or sites in my podcasts, please note I do not necessarily endorse these individuals, or opinions, links or ads.  Please view my disclaimer

Thanks for listening. I look forward to having the pleasure of your company next time.  🙂 Please note these podcasts will be available on iTunes shortly. I will post a link when they are ready.


For more info:

Facebook Is Throttling Nonprofits and Activists

Google is not what it seems | Julian Assange

Facebook Puts Everyone On Notice About The Death Of Organic Reach

Facebook Zero: Considering Life After the Demise of Organic Reach
